The Feechie Film Festival is afoot. Yesterday I posted a couple of movies from Russ Ramsey and Pete Peterson. But I’m still waiting for yours, dear reader. The idea is straightforward enough: take 30 seconds to tell about your own experience with feechiefolk. Nothing elaborate: just sit at your webcam and tell a story. (Though if you want to be elaborate, that’s fine too.) Upload your movie to the Jonathan Rogers page on Facebook, or upload it to Youtube and share the link.
I’ll soon put up a Feechie Film Festival page on this blog so we can have all the movies in one place. Meanwhile, here are the latest:
This one is Randall Goodgame (by the way, if you don’t know his Slugs and Bugs and Lullabies CD of children’s music, you should. The songs are hilarious and insightful and give young listeners the respect of not talking down to them.)
Randall is in the studio this week with Andrew Osenga making the Slugs and Bugs Christmas CD. As you will see from the clip below, Andy and Randy are coming from two opposite perspectives when it comes to feechies. I hope this hasn’t caused a lot of friction in their working relationship.
And Osenga isn’t even British!
I was at the church office the other day, and Heather, who works there, pulled me aside. She knew I was something of a feechie expert, and she wanted to go on record:
So what’s missing from the Feechie Film Festival? Just you, dear reader. It’s Audience Participation Friday. Won’t you consider making a contribution?
After viewing the videos on this blog a wise neighbor notices Jonathan reclining for a read in the backyard. He peers with eyes just above the fence, and begins to broach this topic:
“Well, high-dee-hoe good neighbor! So, I see you’ve been contemplating the veracity of the vexing folktales of Feechiefolk. I, myself, have oft questioned such muddied mysteries; yet legends of Loch Ness and sightings of Sasquatch are not nearly as well documented as the findings on Feechies. Now, I’d hate to bother or bore with any pontificating on the perplexities endured by those attempting to acquire a specimen, but as a noted Feechie-ologist myself-”
“You’re an expert on poop samples, Wilson?” another neighbor interjects.
“No, no, no, no, Tim. That would be ‘feces’. Feechies on the other hand, though smelling similarly, are quite a different substance altogether. Now where was I? Oh, yes… please forgive neighbor Tim for the interruption. I can see you just want the simple answer so here it is, Jonathan. Yes, Feechies do exist. There you have it.”
“Oh, yeah! Feechies! Arm-wrestling gators, riding wild boars (makes manly grunting noises), I’ve heard of those. I’ve met one in-fact. Al’s mother!” Tim laughs, but feeling awkward that neither neighbor laughed with him, lowers his head and heads back inside.