It’s true: there are a couple of non-feechie details to the following story. One doesn’t think of feechiefolk sitting in recliners in the woods, for instance. Nevertheless, fans of feechiefolk will appreciate the spirit of Lester Warner of Dover Township, PA.
Mr. Warner is eighty-six years old and dying of metastatic prostate cancer. He recently stopped chemotherapy. But deer season was coming up, and he wanted to go hunting one last time.
It didn’t seem very likely, given his weakened state, but he did his exercises and as deer season approached, he thought maybe he could do it.
Opening day of deer season, Lester and his sons woke up at 4 a.m. and headed out to the woods. Lester’s son Brian had hauled a recliner up Broadtop mountain, and there Lester sat in the 19-degree weather.
Around 8 am, a big buck came out of the woods. Lester told his son Brian to shoot it, but Brian insisted that his father take the shot. He dropped the deer with one shot. Then he looked at his son and said, “Never give up.”
It was the biggest buck Lester ever killed.
You can read the full story at the York Daily Record.
BONUS: Also from the York Daily Record: Resident Stunned After Deer Ransacks Dover Township Home. I love the fact that it’s in the Crime section.
I loved the deer Crime report “Police couldn’t find the suspect.” Wonder what they would have done with him if they did.