Check out this portrait of Flannery O’Connor:
It’s made out of the words–specifically, the words to her story, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” If you click on the picture, you can see a bigger version that’s more readable. The artist is John Sokol, and he’s done a lot of these portraits of authors in their own words. You can see forty or fifty of them at his Facebook page.
Wow. Imagine the patience this would take. Not to mention the nice handwriting. 😉
Fellow Traveler
Wow! I’d love to see some others (alhough the FB link doesn’t seem to be working).
Have to admit though, I find the one on his website of Obama made out of the Constitution just a little bit nauseating… and sadly ironic.
So could this be called a literary microcosm? 🙂
Canaan Bound
Aaron Roughton
Wow! Has Dan Brown seen this? He would see “codes” all over these drawings. I smell a Flannery O’Connor thriller movie directed by Richie Cunningham.
Fellow Traveler
Aaron: A truly frightening thought which doesn’t bear too much thinking!