Summertide Rhythms

“To bear new life or learn to live is an exacting joy.”

Anne Ridler, from “Christmas and the Common Birth”

I took the long, the thoughtful way to

The corner, and the park there. Hearts bear

The things too heavy for the hands; but new

Rhythms wait: they are found things, and to be sought. Life

Becomes, blooming from the formless dust or

Greening, grinning, from woken boughs to learn

Again — for so we must — to

Know afresh: the summer glows in winter’s breast. A live

And living thing, throbbing with expectancy is 

She. — On the long way to the park I see an

Answer-expectant, breath-holding, love-exacting,

Springing-from-the-ashes joy.

Tyler Rogness

Tyler Rogness

Tyler Rogness

Tyler Rogness is learning to live on purpose, and to sink into the small moments that fill a life. He loves deep words, old books, good stories, and his wonderful family who put up with his nonsense. His writing has appeared in Ekstasis Magazine, the Amethyst Review, The Habit Portfolio, and the Agape Review. More of his work can be found at

  • PhiLiP SchMidT
    2:34 AM, 30 June 2023

    Dear Tyler:

    At the start of the new year, my wife and I began attending a Presbyterian church.
    A good number of the hymns that we sing are entirely new to us.
    Sometimes, an entire hymn will resonate with me, sweeping me away in its transcendence.
    Other times, a single stanza will ‘leap off the page’ at me, begging further contemplation.

    Poetry affects me in a similar way.
    Sometimes I need to ‘plumb the depths’ of an entire poem in order to ‘get it.’
    But in the case of ‘Summertide Rhythms,’ one solitary line of verse ‘leapt off the page’ at me and grabbed me by the throat:
    “Hearts bear
    The things too heavy for the hands; but new
    Rhythms wait: they are found things, and to be sought.”

    So then:
    When my heart is broken into a thousand pieces, it’s not the end of the story…..
    Even though it feels like it is.
    Are you saying that “new rhythms” are waiting in the wings to be sought and discovered, even at times when it feels like the bottom has fallen out of my world?
    If so…..
    How do I develop the mindset to seek after these “new rhythms” that are meant to be found…..
    When my world has been shattered, and I don’t seem to have the inclination – or capacity – to care about anything?
    Or rather, are these “new rhythms” in fact my ticket OUT of the “valley of the shadows”?

    I am fascinated by your Godly thinking here. I would hear more of this.

    PhiL >^•_•^<

  • Tyler Rogness
    10:09 PM, 1 September 2023

    Hi Phil,

    Thanks for taking the time to interact with this poem! I’m honored by your appreciation of it. I resonate with your questions as well, those being much the same as I was wrestling with as I wrote “Summertide Rhythms.”

    Despite the title, the poem has a lot to do with winter. “Life becomes,” joy springs, and the boughs wake, but they only do so “from the formless dust”; and from the ashes. In the particular bottom-off-the-world experience that led to this poem, it was enough for me to pause and know that “new rhythms wait,” and that just below the wintry crust and “formless dust” of my experience, seeds of life were there “waiting in the wings,” to use your words. Though I tend to look for a ticket out of my challenges, I personally find some comfort knowing there’s hope brewing beneath the surface, even if I can’t see it. That alone has been enough to give me the courage at times to keep on, and to seek out those new rhythms.

    That may not be the most complete answer ever given, but I hope it’ll suffice as a continuation of the conversation. I’d love to hear what other thoughts or questions this might bring up for you.

    Thanks again for the comment!

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