Zoom Book Club: A Swim in a Pond in the Rain
This week we'll be discussing "The Darling" by Chekhov.
This week we'll be discussing "The Darling" by Chekhov.
Meet up with JR and your fellow writers to discuss whatever writing-related issues are on your mind.
HERE'S THE CORRECT LINK FOR TODAY: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85078573049?pwd=QkdYQlFPL3l6ZjNIOHl5U0wxV1pUQT09 Join your colleagues for a Zoom writing session the seven Fridays of Lent. The session is two hours long with a break in
In this one-hour webinar, we will look at passages from James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small to see glean insights and tips for writing about animals. We will also