Lenten Friday Writing
Join your colleagues for a Zoom writing session the seven Fridays of Lent. The session is two hours long with a break in the middle. Come for either hour or
Join your colleagues for a Zoom writing session the seven Fridays of Lent. The session is two hours long with a break in the middle. Come for either hour or
This week we'll be discussing "The Singers" by Turgenev.
How do you know when a piece of writing is finished? There's always something else you could tweak or edit. In this webinar, we'll talk about how you decide when
HERE'S THE CORRECT LINK FOR TODAY: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85078573049?pwd=QkdYQlFPL3l6ZjNIOHl5U0wxV1pUQT09 Join your colleagues for a Zoom writing session the seven Fridays of Lent. The session is two hours long with a break in
This week we'll be discussing "The Darling" by Chekhov.